Monday, May 22, 2017

design myHome Automation. Based on IOT

Concentrating on my Bread and Butter, I had to put the previous project (Christmas Lights) on hold, but now starting with something which eventually contributes to that goal.

As summer is around the corner. To keep my young lady of 12 from lying around, reading books and stuffing herself, I need something to keep her busy. The 2 plans are, buy an additional TV and setup my XBOX or let her get involved in some productive work. I think the later one is much inexpensive and more suitable.

Why IOT:

For the Past 2+ years, I have been playing with various components, like, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, esp8266, nRF, WS2812 LEDs, zWave stick and much more.
With all these components lying around and plenty of free CPU time (brain) I thought I should put them together and create something useful. Below is the concept what first came to my mind.

Design Explained:

Raspberry Pi: 
This will be the core unit running a Restful service and a WebApp. The service will co-ordinate with all the devices and the WebApp will be the UI which will consume the service and operate the devices. Why to different apps? well, the restful service will be faster and easier to access from the mobile Apps or to integrate with other Hubs, when required. and the WebApp will be a more user-friendly.

The components and software setup in RPi are:

- Z-Stick: to communicate with Z-Wave compliant devices, like Door lock, Air conditioner and any other.

- RF transceiver: this still needs research, If I should attach one transceiver with RPi or I should create a separate circuit with nRF and wifi so that circuitry could be kept near the devices (TV, Music System).

- Wifi dongle: this will communicate with all the wifi components I am going to make. Need to research if this module could act as AP also, eventually when a number of wifi controllers will grow above the limit of my home wifi router I need to come up with an alternate plan.

- BlueTooth Module: I do not have any use case right now but just putting it for any mobile communication with RPi, for automation or connecting Bluetooth speakers.


The base OS I am trying to keep is raspbian but may change to ubuntu or Windows 10 IOT core.

NodeJS for hosting Restful Service and Web Application

OpenZWave to communicate via Z-Stick.

Google Assistant SDK, to activate voice control and provide AI.

Still to find more. 


The router will be port forwarded to the IP and port of raspberry PI WebService and Web App. This will allow me to access the system from outside.


The Wifi components will be made using the esp8266 module and various other sensors/Triggers. This circuitry will replace existing wall switches. Using this module the switches can be controlled by WiFi.
The various flavors of the circuitry will have the following blend of hardware 

- Conductive Touch + esp + Relay: will replace traditional ON/OFF Switch.
- Trigger switch + esp + Relay: will replace the 3 Speed Embedded Fan speed control
- esp + WS2812: Decorative light/ hue lights.
- esp + Non-invasive current sensors: Will be fixed to the AC mains box and will measure power usage by different utilities in the home.
- esp + magnetic sensors + motion sensor: will provide home security information 
- esp + RF transceiver + magnetic sensor: will control the garage door.
- esp + RF transceiver: will control music system and TV.

All these devices will be home cooked to reduced cost, enhance security and scalability.

This design could modify or enhanced as we will progress in development and research. 

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